Event Details

You are invited to the SASLAW Western Cape Chapter Hybrid Seminar on

Wednesday, 05 March 2025 at 17:30 via Zoom Platform.

Panel Presenters : Halton Cheadle & Paul Benjamin will direct a discussion on the topic

Navigating the Gaps: What the Drafters of the Labour Laws Would Change Today

Join labour law experts Halton Cheadle and Paul Benjamin for an exclusive seminar hosted by SASLAW, as they reflect on the landmark labour legislation that they helped shape โ€” the Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA).

Halton and Paul will discuss what the intention was when drafting these laws and analyse what they would have drafted differently, knowing what they know now. They will also look at what should be done going forward.

This is a unique opportunity to gain valuable insights from the original architects of these crucial laws.

Don't miss out on this thought-provoking discussion.


17:30 - 17:35
WC Chapter Hybrid Seminar I Welcome
17:35 - 18:35
Presentation - โ€œNavigating the Gaps: What the drafters of the Labour Laws would change todayโ€
18:35 - 18:45
18:45 - 20:00
Closing & Networking


  • Halton Cheadle (Attorney at Cheadle Thomson & Haysom Inc)

    Halton Cheadle

    Attorney at Cheadle Thomson & Haysom Inc

    Halton Cheadle - Bio

    • Founding editor of the Industrial Law Journal
    • A member of the Ad hoc committee on the Bill of Rights in the Multiโ€ Party Negotiating in the Interim Constitution in 1993.
    • A member of the Technical Committee on the Bill of Rights in the Constitutional Assembly and in that capacity advised and participated in the drafting of the Bill of Rights in the South African Constitution, 1996.
    • Convened the drafting team on the South African Labour Relations Act of 1995.
    • Participated in drafting labour legislation in the Southern African Region and constitutional drafting (Lesotho, Somalia and The Gambia).
    • Sat as an acting Judge in the High Court and Labour Court.
    • Professor Emeritus at the University of Cape Town.
    • Together with Paul Benjamin participating in drafting the recent proposed amendments to the LRA, BCEA , NMWA and Dismissal Code under the auspices of NEDLAC.
    • A member of the ILO Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations (2003โ€2018).

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  • Paul Benjamin (Director of Cheadle Thompson & Haysom Inc)

    Paul Benjamin

    Director of Cheadle Thompson & Haysom Inc


    Paul Benjamin – Bio

    • Served as a technical advisor to the Constitutional Assembly and was appointed as the principal drafter of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act of 1997.
    • Been involved in developing and drafting legislation and regulations for a range of departments including Employment and Labour; Minerals; Environment; Health; and Trade, Industry and Competition.
    • During the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul advised NEDLAC on the development of the COVID-19 TERS unemployment insurance scheme and the Direction on Workplace Health and Safety.
    • Paul also advises NEDLAC and the CCMA on issues of labour market policy, and in 2020 completed an assessment of labour regulation for the National Planning Commission.
    • He has consulted extensively with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and, in this capacity, has participated in major labour law reform processes in Kenya, Tanzania and Lesotho.
    • Co-author of South African Labour Law (Juta), a leading commentary on employment law in South Africa.
    • A part-time Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape.
    • Paul has served three terms as an acting judge in the Labour Court.
    • He is ranked by Global Chambers and Partners, an independent international ranking entity, as a “senior statesman” of South African employment law.

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